The Complete
Cloud Bear Glossary
This glossary contains the entries from all currently-published Cloud Bear Books.
Please keep in mind entries from later books may contain light spoilers.
Anjene: A traditional Mahliarthizou outer garment. Anjenes vary wildly in design and may or may not have fastenings, hoods, long or short sleeves, or embellishments. Anjenes always extend at least to the knee and are worn all year round. Anjenes are a fashion statement for the wearer, with details such as length, color, pattern, and embellishments reflecting the wearer’s personal style. Some anjenes are made of costly material for formal occasions, while others with specific embellishments are worn for religious ceremonies.
Bastion: A group of talented Benites responsible for protecting their fortified town and upholding its Benite-related traditions. Members of the Bastion will go on regular patrols to keep the territory around their town safe from dangerous people, enemy Benites, and even the occasional Benison. In more rural areas, a town’s Bastion can even act as a sort of police force for smaller, non-Benite communities in the area. The Bastion is also responsible for bringing potential Benites to the town’s Benison to ask for their Blessings, as well as overseeing the education of young Benites—in particular, proper training in the use of the town’s Blessings. They manage the care of their town’s Benison; any attendants the Benison may have answer to the Bastion. Members of the Bastion are usually recruited once they graduate from Benite school at age eighteen. Only students who show both talent and sufficient potential to improve further are recruited. (See also Elite Bastion)
Benison: One of the two types of creatures that live in Lucidus. They vary widely in strength, intelligence, appearance, and adaptations. Benison, together with starls, live in complex ecosystems not unlike animals in the world above. Some Benison even form communities. (See also Benison of Fortified Towns, Blessing, Range, and Skotia)
Benison of Fortified Towns: Fortified towns have one to four Benison who provide its Benites with Blessings. These Blessings, and by extension, these Benison, play a large part in shaping the unique identity of their town. Benison of a fortified town have an entrance from Lucidus in or near town so they can appear at any time if necessary. Most Benison of fortified towns are mid-range Benison, though there are a few towns with a high-range Benison, such as Spearshadow. Benison uniting themselves with a fortified town is beneficial to both the Benites and Benison involved. Many mid and high-range Benison are reluctant to injure or kill a Benison who is attached to a fortified town, seeing them as holy, so the agreement offers a town’s Benison some protection. (See also Blessing, Entrance, Fortified Town, and Range)
Benison Touch: When a Benison feels a deep sense of kinship, even love for a Benite, this affection can manifest in the Benite’s hair turning white. The amount of white hair differs based on the strength of the Benison; a single, inch-or so wide streak of white is given by mid-range Benison. As most Xanthon Benites interact exclusively with mid-range Benison, they view a single streak as “normal.” Only Benites are able to be given Benison touch; there has been no recorded instance of a non-Benite with it.
Benite: Any person who has received a Blessing from a Benison. This is the Xanthon term for what the people of Mahliarthizou call a “Skotian.” In fortified towns, children typically ask for their first Blessing at age twelve. They do not always receive one at that time.
Benite Pin: All fortified towns give their Benites pins consisting of the town’s unique emblem and an ID number engraved on the back. The ID number is the Benite’s initials and an individual string of numbers. In many countries, Benite pins can act as official identification. Using a stolen pin for identification is a crime in most countries. It is traditional for Benites to take the pins of enemy Benites they defeat.
Benite School: Children in fortified towns begin attending Benite School once they turn twelve. Students graduate at eighteen. Children typically become Benites during those years, hence the name. Benite School provides specialized Blessings classes in addition to normal curriculum. Even if children do not become Benites, they still attend Benite school.
Blessing: The innate ability of a mid-range, high-range, or Mahliarthizou Benison; it can be shared with people, making them Benites. Experts disagree whether Blessings are a survival adaptation, a divine gift from Terenos, or both. Every Blessing corresponds with one of the five stages of creation. For example, Lunestella’s Blessing is an Ordered Chaos Blessing, while Insorde’s is a Heat Blessing. While a Benite can have more than one Blessing, there is a limit to how many Blessings a Benite can have. This limit differs from Benite to Benite, and also depends on the strength of the Blessings themselves. Benison, however, seem to have no limit to how many people they can give their Blessings to. People can transfer their Blessings to other people; however, this is generally viewed as an unhelpful ability as once the Blessing has been transferred, the original Benite no longer has the Blessing. Blessings generally cannot be given by force. The receiver of the Blessing must have some amount of trust with the Benison in order to receive the Blessing. The same holds true for Benites transferring Blessings, so neither giving Blessings nor transferring Blessings can be used strategically to weaken an opponent. Benison have the ability to locate any Benite who has their Blessing. When a Benison dies, their Blessing dies with them. Their Blessing will then disappear from any Benite who has received it. (See also Secondary Blessing and Warding Blessing)
Calmsky: A fortified town in Storic. Founded in 672 R.M., Calmsky was one of Storic’s most powerful and influential fortified towns for many centuries. It was well known for having an astonishing five Benison in imitation of Mahliarthizou. Around 1000 R.M., lulled by the peace Storic was experiencing, Calmsky began to relax its strict policies. This helped it grow, but as four of its original five Benison died, Calmsky grew weaker. In current times, it has lost its integrity as a traditional fortified town and become a frivolous imitation of Benite culture for tourists.
Chrysos Age: A period of time typically estimated to have started 100,000 years before the present, ending 12,000 years before the present. It is characterized by dramatic shifts in climate and geography in both Lucidus and the world above, thought to have been caused by unprecedented fluctuations in the activity of Luciden currents. Chrysos Age Benison were quite different from modern Benison. They had unique adaptations no longer found in modern Benison and are able to be easily classified into species. Only a few species of Benison from the Chrysos Age remain to modern day; most went extinct. Cloud bears originated in the Chrysos Age.
Cloud Bear: An ancient species of high-range Benison. Simon Louis, the world’s foremost authority on the Chrysos Age, once wrote, “A swing of a cloud bear’s paw hits like a landslide. With their natural speed, strength, hearing, and sense of smell, it’s a wonder Terenos thought it necessary to give them Blessings at all.” Cloud bears generally range in color from dark gray to light blue beneath a cloud-like pattern that moves across their fur. Unlike ordinary, non-Benison bears, cloud bear males will stay with their mate to help raise their cubs.
Connectionday: The last day of the cycle and the day followers of Terenos go to church. It is the day that symbolizes the completion of the creation of the universe—when the five stages of creation were finally “connected” and began to perpetuate the systems and functions in the universe. (See also Stages of Creation)
Cycle: A period of nine days. Each cycle is split into three periods of three days, known as “sets.” Sets correspond to the stages of creation, with the first set representing Heat and Cold, the second representing Good and Bad Fortune, and the third representing Ordered Chaos. Each month is composed of three cycles and two sets, or the standard time required for all three moons to be full once. (See also Stages of Creation)
Elite Bastion: The most talented members of a Bastion. Few members of a Bastion ever obtain the position of “Elite.” The Elite Bastion are the advisors of the Keeper and Rampart and are privy to all their town’s secrets.
Entrance/Temporary Entrance: A portal of sorts which allows a specific Benison to come to the world above. Since most mid-range Benison are unable to travel to the world above from Lucidus, it was necessary for Benites of fortified towns to devise a way for their Benison to come and go at need. Both kinds of entrances are created by taking water from Lucidus and using the specific Benison’s Blessing while touching the water, transforming it into a silvery liquid called entrance fluid. When a Benison uses the entrance, the fluid is depleted. If it runs out, the entrance cannot be used again until the fluid is replenished. The difference between a regular entrance and a temporary entrance is regular entrances are designed to last as long as possible and generally cannot be moved, while temporary entrances are designed to be used for short periods of time and are portable. Using an entrance is not the same as being brought to the world above via a Blessing; the Benison cannot travel far away from their entrance, nor can they stay in the world above for as long as they please. They also cannot bring any other living creature with them. Entrances, however, are able to bypass Rampart barriers.
Fortified Town: A town of Benites in Xanthon. Fortified towns are always surrounded by strong walls. One to four Benison provide Blessings to the town’s Benites. Most fortified towns have formally recognized territory extending beyond their walls. There were once more fortified towns all around Xanthon, but currently most are found in Storic and Ardea. Historically, fortified towns were in near constant conflict with each other, so strong physical walls were a necessity. Fortified towns are founded for many reasons. Sometimes, a Benite and a Benison will want to create a town together. Other times, a group of people want to become Benites but don’t want to be part of any existing town. Some fortified towns fail after a few decades, while the stronger ones remain for centuries. Fortified towns tend to be wary of strangers and often have strict policies regarding visitors. This can make commerce a hassle. (See also Benison of Fortified Towns, Bastion, Elite Bastion, Benite Pins, Keeper, Rampart, Ranks, Stronghold, and Watch/Watcher)
Golden Age of Benites: A period of history when the power of the Benites in Xanthon was at its peak. It is typically defined as starting around 300 R.M. and ending around 800 R.M. At the time, there were many fortified towns all over Xanthon, as well as nomadic Benite clans. The towns and clans were fairly hostile towards any non-ally Benites, so it is a period characterized by much contention. (See also Fortified Town)
Haunt: An unusual species of starl that is extremely dangerous to Benites. Haunts feed—seemingly exclusively—on the Luciden energy produced by Benites. However, it is unknown whether they require it as sustenance or siphon it for enjoyment. Benites are able to tell if a Haunt is in the vicinity by its emanation, or “miasma,” often described as “malicious, sick, ugly, dark” or even like a putrid scent. Haunts have the nearly unique ability to enter a space between Lucidus and the world above once they have latched onto a Benite and begun to siphon their energy. Benites having their Luciden energy siphoned are dragged into a world of terror and darkness within their own minds. Eventually, they are no longer able to hear or see the real world. Once a Haunt has latched onto a Benite, the only option is to kill the Haunt. Haunts can only be killed with a warding Blessing.
Hibern: An ancient town in the country of Vorate. Hibernese people revere cloud bears to the point of some outsiders mistakenly thinking they worship cloud bears. Hibern has a few similarities to fortified towns, such as it being a town where Benites live. However, it has far more differences, i.e., no Keeper, Bastion, ranks, uniforms, or Stronghold, and only a small inner wall. It also has far more non-Benites than Benites. Each Hibernese family has its own unique white pattern that appears on their traditional dress. When a Hibernese man and woman marry, they work together to find a tasteful way to combine aspects of their separate family patterns to create a new pattern.
High Benison: The five Benison worshiped as gods in the Church of Olivace. There is one High Benison for each region of Olivace. Believers typically only see the High Benison on specific holidays or biannual “prayer days.” When a High Benison dies, it is replaced with a new High Benison recruited by the clergymen. Believers are told the old god decided to spend the rest of their life in Lucidus and a new god revealed themself to take their place.
Irare Coins: An ancient form of currency that is still accepted world-wide as legal tender. Irare are gold, typically with the image of Terenos on one side. The coins originated in Ilmode, an ancient country that consisted of what is now Southern Storic, Northern Erremon, and Southeastern Ardea. Irare—and pero—came into world-wide use during the Golden Age of Benites when the Church of Terenos began using it.
Keeper: The leader of the Bastion and the one in charge of all Benite matters in a fortified town. In the old days, the Keeper was the leader over everything in their fortified town, but in modern days towns have a mayor to deal with day-to-day administration. The Keeper is responsible for defense—including the Bastion, town secrets, the Rampart, and rules regarding visitors. Keepers are also responsible for making sure the town’s Benison are cared for, and seeing the Benite school runs well and young Benites are being properly trained. The Keeper is elected by the Bastion and Elite Bastion, usually from among their own members. They retain this right since the Keeper will be the one to lead them into battle should an emergency arise, and the Bastion will be the first line of defense. However, if a Keeper is found by most of the town’s citizens to be in some way harmful to the town, there are laws in place allowing the Keeper to be deposed.
Language of the Benison (Skotia): The language spoken by the majority of the people of Xanthon and Mahliarthizou, and, as the name implies, the language spoken by Benison. The Mahliarthizous started speaking it as a symbol of their connection to the Mahliarthizou Benison. Its use spread to Xanthon when the Master of the Church of Terenos fled Liroa and established the church headquarters in Ardea. Very few areas of Xanthon retain any use of their former languages, aside from a few words. (See also Old Mahliarthizou)
Luciden: Of or pertaining to Lucidus. For example, Luciden lightning, the variety of lightning which occurs in Lucidus.
Luciden Currents: Currents of pure Luciden energy found in the sky of Lucidus. These currents will sometimes erupt into the world above in the form of geysers, which will form pools of energy at their bases. Luciden currents will also sometimes flow into water, creating what resembles glowing veins beneath the surface of the ocean, some rivers, and a very few lakes. Luciden lightning is produced by the Luciden currents. (See also Luciden Energy)
Luciden Distortion: Time and space work differently in Lucidus versus the world above. This is called Luciden distortion. A Benite or Benison will exit Lucidus to find they are in a slightly different place than where they entered, and more or less time has passed than they experienced. In some areas, the distortion is less noticeable than others. No matter how bad the Luciden distortion is, the Benite or Benison will never be, for example, transported across the world.
Luciden Energy: A special kind of enigmatic energy or substance found in Luciden currents, creatures of Lucidus, and Benites. The Luciden energy that makes its way up to the world above via Luciden geysers is refined by people and converted into electricity, fuel for vehicles, and so forth. Before it is refined, it is known as pure Luciden energy. Some areas of Lucidus are thick with Luciden energy and can be dangerous to weak Benison and weak Benites. The stronger the Benite the more Luciden energy they can withstand. The same goes for Benison, though there are some high-range Benison that can withstand such high concentrations of Luciden energy they are considered immune. Benison that are acclimated to extreme concentrations of Luciden energy will feel ill if in an area void of or low in Luciden energy. (See also Luciden Currents, Luciden Energy Overload, and Meter)
Luciden Energy Overload: A state in which the victim is overwhelmed by too much Luciden energy entering their body. Luciden energy is easily able to enter the body of people, animals, Benison, and starls. In an overload, the energy overwhelms the mind, causing thoughts to cease. The victim can appear to be asleep, however, they cannot awake or be awakened until the Luciden energy dissipates. Depending on the amount of energy that caused the overload, the victim can experience lingering pain and aches. In the areas of Lucidus thick with Luciden energy, Benites must utilize a special protection technique to keep themselves from getting overwhelmed. (See also Luciden Energy and Meter)
Lucidus: The world of Benison and starls, full of diverse terrain and plant life. Tradition holds that Lucidus is located beneath the surface of the planet, but some Benite scientists argue Lucidus could just as easily be a separate dimension connected to the world, with the connection resulting in the Luciden geysers and currents. It is indisputable that the geography of the world above and the geography of Lucidus are connected. Entering Lucidus from a specific place in the world above will take the Benite to about the same area of Lucidus every time. (See also Benison, Luciden Distortion, and Starl)
Mahliarthizou (Mah-lee-are-th-ee-zoo): A group of five countries to the east of Xanthon. They are Mahtelon, Liroa, Arcnoss, Thiphena, and Zourrow. Most areas of Mahliarthizou do not have the technological advancements of Xanthon, earning them the nickname The Countries Behind. Mahliarthizou and Xanthon are quite different culturally. Unlike the majority of the countries in Xanthon, Mahliarthizou retains its original, ancient language, though few people speak it fluently. The people of Mahliarthizou were the first to make agreements with Skotia (Benison) and become Skotians (Benites). The practice later spread to Xanthon. (See also Xanthon)
Mahliarthizou Skotia: The most powerful, ancient Benison (Skotia) in the world. They are so powerful they are in their own category, even above high high-range Benison. Five of the Mahliarthizou Skotia give their Blessings to the people of Mahliarthizou, one for each country.
Megrim: A condition affecting young Benites when they use too much of their meter. Since it is bad for Benites to use all their meter, megrim is the body’s defense mechanism to stop young Benites before they use too much. Megrim has three stages—stage one is shaking in the hands and slight weakness in the fingers and limbs, stage two is increased shaking and weakness in the limbs to the point where the young Benite can’t walk, and in stage three the mind is put into a sleep-like state. Stage three forces the young Benite to cease using meter and only wears off once they have recovered a significant amount of their meter. Adult Benites stop having megrim somewhere around age twenty-four to twenty-seven. (See also Meter)
Meter: The amount of Luciden energy a Benite has to use Blessings. As soon as a Benite gets their first Blessing, their body starts producing the sort of Luciden energy specific to Benites. This Luciden energy is consumed when Benites use their Blessings. Benites refer to the amount of Luciden energy they have as ‘meter.’ Benites instinctively know the amount of meter they have. When a Benite gets a new Blessing, they consume more meter than normal as their body adjusts to the new Blessing, meaning it is a time when a Benite is vulnerable.
Midday: The fifth day of the cycle, or the day in the exact middle of the cycle.
Moonwater: A small fortified town in the mountains of Storic, founded in 1015 R.M. by its first Keeper and the Benison, Lunestella. In 1027 R.M., Lunestella and the Keeper thought the town could use more strength, so Lunestella recruited her acquaintance, Insorde, to be the town’s second Benison. Moonwater derives its name from the beauty of the reflection of the moons in the lake next to town. Moonwater is well known for vigilance in training its Benites and being strict about traditions.
Niveus: The Mahliarthizou term for Benison touch. Niveus translates to “sign of love.” (See also Benison Touch)
Old Guard, The: An unofficial group within Moonwater’s Elite Bastion. They were close friends of Keeper Pike’s. In their younger years, they fought against the fortified town Iceriver with their Spearshadow allies in what is now widely considered the most dangerous inter-town conflict in Moonwater’s history. After Pike’s death, most of the Old Guard retired from the Elite Bastion. However, they are still some of the most powerful and influential Benites in Moonwater and are likewise highly respected in Spearshadow. Elite Bastion Oliver and Elite Bastion Howard are the only two members of the Old Guard still in active service in the Elite Bastion.
Old Mahliarthizou: The original language of the countries of Mahliarthizou before they adopted the language of the Skotia. It is still taught in school, though most people cannot speak it fluently, or even form or understand complete sentences. Infamously, people in the Beast of Liroa and certain parts of Mahtelon speak a pidgin form of Old Mahliarthizou combined with the language of the Skotia which is incomprehensible to outsiders.
Pero Coins: A single pero is one-hundredth of an irare. Pero are silver. (See Irare)
Rampart: A Benite who can perform a special technique called “inverting Blessings” in order to create a barrier stopping anything from going in or out of Lucidus in a specific area. Fortified towns have Ramparts to keep out enemy Benites or hostile Benison. It is extremely difficult for Benites to learn to invert their Blessings if they don’t have an innate talent for it, and most do not. It is impossible to use Blessings while inverting them. Though “Rampart” is specifically a position in fortified towns, other towns or cities will have a similar position, especially in Mahliarthizou.
Range (Benison/Skotia): Benison are often classified by range, a system which categorizes them based on power. The five categories are—in order from weakest to strongest—non-speaking, low-range, mid-range, high-range, and Mahliarthizou Skotia (Benison). All low, mid, and high-range Benison can be further split into three subcategories within their categories, which are, again, low, mid, and high. For example, Insorde of Moonwater is a low mid-range Benison. Gilphen of Spearshadow is a low high-range Benison. This is a useful system for several reasons. First, it is similar to how Benison view themselves and each other, making it easy for Benison and Benites to use. Second, it easily conveys the most important information to other Benites—how powerful a Benison is. Third, most Benison in the modern age do not belong to any specific species, necessitating a unique classification system.
Ranks (Benite): Benites are divided into ranks based on power and skill. The five ranks in order from weakest to strongest are Noon, Evening, Twilight, Dusk, and Midnight. Each rank has a traditional uniform color—pale orange, red, black, gray, and white respectively. Every fortified town has slightly different criteria for advancing ranks. For example, in Moonwater, Benites with Insorde’s Blessing only are Noon Rank, and receive an advancement to Evening Rank if they obtain Lunestella’s Blessing. Further advancements depend on developing skill with the various aspects of both Blessings. Conversely, Spearshadow has only one Benison—Gilphen—so all rank advancements are tied to skill with his Blessing. The names of the ranks come from an old tradition dating back to the early days of Benites in Xanthon. Tradition states these early Benites found it easiest to enter Lucidus at noon, and more difficult as the day progressed with midnight being the most difficult. Therefore, they divided themselves into ranks of skill based on when they could enter Lucidus. Over the centuries, the idea that time of day affects ability to enter Lucidus was completely disproven, but the names of the ranks have remained.
R.M.: The current era. Old Mahliarthizou, standing for “risold metarin,” meaning “grand alliance.” It marks the era of the Church of Terenos being organized in Xanthon. Formerly, church headquarters was located in Liroa in Mahliarthizou. 0 R.M. is the year the Master of the Church of Terenos fled the civil war in Liroa and relocated to Ardea in Xanthon. There were followers of Terenos in Xanthon and had been for millennia, but they had no organization. With the new headquarters in Ardea, formal churches were built around the continent and important rituals were standardized. The main church headquarters remains in Ardea to this day, and the old headquarters in Liroa serves as a secondary institution.
Secondary Blessing: Secondary Blessings are abilities that are not a part of the main Blessing itself—an extra Blessing. Oftentimes in the case of mid-range Benison, this is an ability the Benison itself cannot use. For example, Lunestella’s Blessing allows all Benites with her Blessing to create mental connections and communicate with thoughts. Lunestella’s Secondary Blessing allows Benites to enter Lucidus, however Lunestella herself cannot enter or leave Lucidus on her own. Secondary Blessings that allow Benites to go into Lucidus are especially sought-after among fortified towns.
Skotia: The term the people of Mahliarthizou use for Benison. It is the name Benison have for themselves and is therefore how they first introduced their kind to the Mahliarthizous. (See also Benison and Mahliarthizou)
Skotian: The term the people of Mahliarthizou use for Benite. It predates “Benite” by several hundred years. (See also Benite)
Spearshadow: A fortified town in eastern Storic, founded in 984 R.M. by an ordinary group of Storic mercenaries who returned home from the Cersand campaigns only to find their old home destroyed. They met Gilphen, who agreed to start a fortified town with them. Spearshadow is a longstanding ally of Moonwater. Ranks in Spearshadow depend on how many ghost fish a Benite can summon, creating warding Blessing ghost fish, and the ability to use Gilphen’s Secondary Blessing, which allows Benites to go to Lucidus. Spearshadow keeps to its mercenary roots by allowing members of its Bastion to be hired for suitable jobs.
Stages of Creation: The five stages all of existence went through in order for Terenos to create the universe. First, in the beginning, nothing existed except Cold with only a small amount of Heat. Then, Terenos introduced his will to this small existence, or Good Fortune—good things he caused to happen—and Bad Fortune—bad things he allowed to happen. This caused the Cold and Heat to mingle, and through this phenomenon stars, planets, and other objects were formed. Lastly, when Terenos saw his creation was ready to work according to the laws he had devised for it, he commanded it to do so, leading to a state of Ordered Chaos, in which all five stages exist simultaneously. (See also Connectionday)
Starl: One of the two types of creatures that live in Lucidus. Starls are extremely numerous, akin to insects in the world above. They are instinct-driven and tend to have fairly short lifespans compared to Benison. There have been many species of starls identified, as starls are much easier to classify into species than most Benison. An experienced Benite can usually tell a starl and a non-speaking Benison apart by looking at them. Starls have less of a “glint” in their eyes and inherently “seem” weaker, though some starls are quite dangerous.
Stronghold: The most important building in a fortified town. It serves as the headquarters of the town’s Bastion and Keeper. In most fortified towns, the Stronghold has its own set of walls within the town’s walls. The Stronghold is built to be secure, serving as the last line of defense if the town’s walls are breached by enemies. Considering this, all the town’s secrets and treasures are stored in the Stronghold. This includes a restricted library kept by the Bastion. It contains an in-depth history of the town, the town’s classified history, a record of all the town’s past and present Benites, and books useful to the Bastion. Strongholds also have a “summoning chamber,” an enormous room for meeting with dignitaries of other fortified towns or governments where the town’s Benison can be present using temporary entrances, as per tradition.
Terenos: The god worshiped by the people of Mahliarthizou and some countries in Xanthon. Terenos is also worshiped by Benison. In his church, being a Benite is considered a holy way of life. Likewise, a Benison allying themselves with a fortified town is seen as a holy way of life.
Thermal Box: A device that produces heat. It allows Moonwater Benites to use Insorde’s Blessing no matter where they are by providing reliable, consistent heat. Thermal boxes are small, silver machines with switches on top for turning the device off and on as well as controlling the temperature. Moonwater Benites are given a thermal box upon graduation from Benite school.
Varia: The spear-like weapon used by Moonwater’s Benites. The entire weapon is metal in order to be easily used with Insorde’s Blessing. Varia have two heads that can be screwed on—the more traditional sharp, spear-like head known as the lethal head and a spherical, nonlethal head nicknamed the “nub.” Varia can be shortened when not in use. Despite having segments, varia are durable because they are created using a special process with Luciden energy which strengthens the segments’ joins.
Warding Blessing: A Blessing that injures or kills Benison and starls more easily than a regular Blessing. (See also Blessing)
Watch/Watcher: Guards in a fortified town who watch for danger from atop the walls. They are also responsible for repairing the walls if necessary and guarding the Stronghold’s main entrance. Their leader is known as the Watcher. Members of the Watch can either be Benites who weren’t powerful enough to be in the Bastion or non-Benites who live in the town.
Well: A Well in Lucidus is a place originally from the world above that has been cursed by Terenos. Common Benite wisdom states the world above cannot hold the “weight” of a cursed place, so it ends up Lucidus. Wells suck in anything that gets too close to their exteriors, and the more ancient, powerful Wells have tendrils which can seek out and catch prey from a distance. Once caught, it is extremely difficult to escape a Well, but each Well has an exit somewhere. Anyone, including non-Benites, will feel fear and dread just being near a Well. All Wells look different, but the feeling of Wells is universal. Some Lucidus researchers have posited Wells may be alive, and while common Benite wisdom scoffs at this, there is actually no evidence to the contrary.
World Above: The surface of the planet where people, normal animals, and normal plants live. (See also Lucidus)
Wyz-Skotian: An important position in Mahliarthizou pertaining to the Mahliarthizou Skotia, held by a Skotian.
Xanthon: The large, populous continent to the west of Mahliarthizou. Compared to Mahliarthizou, Xanthon is quite technologically advanced with electricity, cars, radios, telephones, movie theatres, appliances, trains, and other modern conveniences.